Frances Gibson

United Farmers USA



Frances comes from the great state of South Carolina where her and her husband established the United Farmers USA in 2002. She currently serves as the organizations director and represents the United Farmers on the NatGLC Board of Directors. Through United Farmers, they are able to work with very diverse small-scale farmers that range from landowners to ranchers. These farmers come from many different backgrounds and Frances works to gather information to assist the efforts in becoming successful.

Frances attended high school in Chesterfield County South Carolina, and later attended college in Louisiana. After college, she did extension work through Clemson and South Carolina State. She also worked on the industry side for 25 years. Her husband was a farmer and she married him and became even more active in farming. They started this organization from a Black Farmers lawsuit in 1999. They wanted to assist these farmers and help collect information that can help them succeed. Their main bases are to educate, outreach and demonstrations. 

Frances said she came from a large family and said that she learned from a younger age to take what you have and utilize it not only for yourself but to help others. This has led her to grow this organization to help people. She said the main thing is United Farmers USA is a member’s organization; Established to help the people.