Want to Grow GLC in Your State? Dream Big, But Start Small!


We’ve all heard the saying “The best way to eat an elephant is to do it one bite at a time!” Certainly, that can apply to growing GLC in your state, too. Each of us directly involved in grazing coalition activities have been blessed with unique opportunities to learn, grow and serve. Don’t we now have a responsibility to share GLC with others? The third goal in the NatGLC 2019 Strategic Plan reads: “Increase public understanding of the importance of grazing lands to our nation.” Regional coalitions offer us the opportunity to meet this challenge. There is no better way to increase public understanding of grazing lands than to involve more of our public, our peers, and partners in GLC efforts on the ground, where they live. Where to begin? How to get a group started? Ideas will be offered, success stories shared. Join us to learn more! Let’s all work together to “increase public understanding of the importance of grazing lands to our nation!”

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